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Quick Leather Clutch for a Wedding

Last weekend I went to Muskoka (Kearney if you want to get technical about it) to see my old friend Rachel get married. Since I was a bit strapped for cash at the time I decided not to buy anything new to wear. Luckily I have a great black silk dress, and some leather wedges that would be great for Rachel's laid-back outdoor wedding. The only problem was: I didn't have a purse to go with them. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of purses, but most of them are pretty casual, and large enough to fit a small child. What I needed was simple black clutch, so I thought: why not make one myself. I'd already been toying with the idea of adding some leather clutches to the Fitzy lineup, so this was the perfect excuse to make the first prototype. It came together relatively quickly (I made it the night before), and looks great. I definitely still have some experimenting to do so keep an eye out for some leather clutches later this year.


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